In the midst of an alt-right hungry ghost attack (which began, not only in my own, but also in the estranged pseudo-families of my best friends); I tried hard to help someone quite close to me; both spiritually and vocationally attain more liberation.

Yet and still; his hatred of womyn metastasized into an acute case of hungry ghost….beta style.
I am a POST-COLONIAL, animistic male who translates into what Westerners call a “male feminist” (because I treat Humyn womyn as….HUMYN BEINGS…? lol) in the understanding of Sam Keen.

My outlook is perhaps summed up with what the poet Robert Bly once called “Iron John”.

Therefore I see no reason to sacrifice my virility or engage in externally-determined toxic masculinity. The Hearth is home wherever my feet dance! Mamá Gaia is neither to be submitted to; or raped for my own selfish gain.

   I sought, in vain, to help a fellow man out with an open heart, wallet, and ear as a matter of honouring FAMILY. I tried my best to understand, yet and still, I WILL NOT abide in the mentality of an incel secret RAPIST who openly advocates sexual assault and confuses beta male chauvinism for Alpha male chivalry. #honour #natureismatrilineal 

Too many times, in just this past year, I’ve encountered broken, little boys who howl and scream that they need womyn to “fall in line” and “make them feel strong.” I was told that “a womyn’s ability to give birth is empowerment enough; so why should WOMYN be given more?” I was told that it’s “their increasing rise in the world” which is the cause of sexual assaults and femicide. I was told that they “scare men” and “must be stopped at all costs.”

Naturally; I had to jettison this malformed creature from my organization and life as he became ever increasingly manipulative, violent, and threatening to myself and womyn in my life.

I would be demoralized if my work in the secular world wasn’t rooted in my indigenous, monastic arts. How many more of these dead-weight beta males must act on their Incel-validated spiritual sicknesses before my Indigenous sisters, fresh from #residentialschools double down on a war that they’ve already won?

In closing, while I’m “childlike to the genius of my age”; many I know are 10 years + late to the dinner bell of positive societal change, automation Intersectional empowerment, and an increased awakening in our Human species. My heart is near broken, again, by those who choose the way of the hungry ghosts despite the abundance of boons available to us all. ¡NAMASTÉ Y ACHÉ UPON THE WAY☯️!

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